Raffaello De Crescenzo – Food & Wine consultant

I introduce myself

Friends of Macrigi, I am Raffaello De Crescenzo and I am here to accompany you in the world of taste and flavor.

My life through the passion of tasting and communication

I have always nurtured a strong passion for writing and communication, as well as an innate curiosity: for these reasons, after having obtained the Classical Maturity, I approached the fascinating world of Food & Beverage, enrolling in the degree Agri-food Sciences and Technologies, at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Polytechnic University of Marche.

The study also took me for an entire academic year in Spain, at the Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologia de los Alimentos in Murcia, where I approached the world of sensory analysis and that of enology.

Step by step

In 2008 I became an expert taster of olive oils and I obtained a Master’s Degree in Food and Nutrition Sciences, while in January 2009, I started a new Bachelor’s Degree course: Viticulture and Enology.

Before reaching this milestone, I completed the Wine Taster course, with the O.N.A.V. (National Organization of Wine Tasters) and also gained a good experience in organizing tasting events and themed dinners.

Having also achieved the goal of the second three-year degree, in 2013 I obtained an Executive Master in Agrifood Management, finished the sommelier courses and decided to open my blog, CulturAgroalimentare, to share my passion for wine and quality food.

l 2014 I obtained the Sommelier Diploma with the Italian Sommelier Association.

After many years of study, finally the practice

In 2015 I had the pleasure of carrying out a service at the St. Hubertus Restaurant at the Hotel Rosa Alpina of the three-starred chef Norbert Niederkofler and in 2016 I published my first book: “The sensory profile of wine: analysis and application of the method” , published by Italian Academic Editions.

In 2017 I served at the Oslo Vin festival, the most important Norwegian wine event, but 2020 is the year of the turning point: I start the path to become a journalist, publishing over 180 articles in 12 months, I complete the Master in sommelier service and the first two levels of mineral water taster. In addition to all this, I start to produce training and tasting videos and, after many years, I return to television, as co-host of a cultural program, entitled “Culturà”.

In 2021 I also start conducting another television program: “Wine & Luxury”, the daughter of a new magazine, in which I collaborate as an author.

The collaboration with Macrigi

In the same period I met Macrigi and we started a collaboration aimed at creating video tastings in English, with my personal reviews on the best Italian wines!

Watch the video:

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Picture of Raffaello De Crescenzo

Raffaello De Crescenzo

Our mission is the foundation of Giovanni Castelli’s vision.
Thanks to his experience working with Italian and international small and medium-sized companies, together we have been able to bring together the best and brightest aspects of Italy to bring Made In Italy products to markets around the world. Best of all, our items are available at the click of a button. We can assure you that your shopping experience on Macrigi Marketplace will be simple, convenient and the best you’ve ever had!

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